Monday, May 17, 2010

Organizing Crochet/Knitting Supplies

Do you knit or crochet? Do you have trouble keeping track of your needles, hooks and yarn? If so, we've found some great organizational ideas to help you out.

On we found this really cute Roll-Up case for storing your crochet hooks. She has step by step instructions with photos. How cute this would be made from your favorite fabrics.

Here's another similar item made to store your knitting needles from Oh... how handy it would be to have them all in one place.

We also found this one that's made similar to the others. It's from So cute and nice with the different sized pockets.

And check this out... what a great idea for organizing yarn. There's instructions with photos on how to make it. It's a work of art in itself.

Need an easy way to keep your yarn clean and organized while working on a project? Check out this upcycled oatmeal box yarn holder from A Bit of Sunshine.

All of these are such great ideas. Do you have an tip or secret to keeping your crochet/knittng supplies organized? We'd love to hear from you. Be sure to let us know by leaving a comment.

Have a great week!
Deena Davis

1 comment:

  1. Oh I so need to do everyone of these projects. I have plenty of oatmeal boxes too. Gotta keep that cholesterol down! LOL. Thanks Girls:)
