Monday, October 4, 2010

Fall Cleaning - Don't Get Overwhelmed

It's definitely fall, cooler temperatures, brilliantly colored leaves are all around us.

With the change in seasons comes the daunting task for some of us... FALL HOUSE CLEANING. I am one of those who feels overwhelmed when I look around certain areas of my home, I hope you aren't, but just in case, here are some helpful tips I found to help us out. has a Fall Cleaning Chore Checklist They have lists for both indoor and outdoor fall chores. also has a nice list of tasks that can get us ready for winter. The jobs are broken down with tips for each one.

I found this neat outline on how to clean your home in 5 days. Great ideas can be found here and nothing seems too overwhelming.

Lastly, I stumbled upon Fly Lady. I think just about everyone has heard of Fly Lady. The Baby Steps outline is really good and gets you well on your way to a clean home in only 31 days.

I know some of these ideas will help me, hopefully, you won't need them, but I know I sure do.

Enjoy your day!
Deena Davis