Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Needles-n-Pins Stitcheries: Witch Hat With Legs Tutorial

Now we are starting to get into the really fun part of the year with all the holidays coming and right around the corner is Halloween! Halloween has become quite the holiday over the last several years. It is the second busiest decorating holiday after Christmas. That is just amazing. I always like Halloween because it is the one time that adults can dress and act like kids and get away with it. :)

I decorate my house for fall, but not a lot for Halloween as my kids are gone and I live on a rural road so no one would see the outside decorations if  I did, but I am sure many of you do a lot of outside decorating. I found this tutorial the other day and thought what a neat idea for a front door. Trendy Tree has the instructions for making this door hanging. It looks like there are a lot of steps, but it turns out really neat. :)

Have fun making this! 

Colleen :)