Friday, May 28, 2010

Trash to Treasure ---- Old Windows

Today's Trash to Treasure is about old windows.

Do you have any of these vintage windows hanging around and don't know what to do with them? Maybe these ideas will spark your creativity.

Add a planter box to the front of your window.    Isn't this one pretty.

Have a room without a view? Learn how to add one like this.
Ordianary Miracle of Life blog

 I love the pictures they used with this one.

Learn how to make a chalkboard with one here,   The Shabby Chic Cottage

Use it to hang pots and pans from.

And if you have a lot of windows,  you can even make a greenhouse from them.

For many more ideas for using old windows,   check out this website.

Thanks for visiting us today.
Bette Shaw