Thursday, February 27, 2014

Witches Stiches - Container Gardening

This is one cold Feb. and it seems to be dragging on forever. Spring is just around the corner, I promise you. I know in some parts of the country it sure does not feel like it. My middle daughter is in NY State and they had snow today. Here in NC it is cold, so cold!! Anyway…we will have spring before we know it, or at least I keep telling myself that.  When spring comes the first thing I think of is my gardens. Even though I have raised beds, I still love to container garden. You can do it in just about anything and no matter how cramped for space you are you can have a container garden.

The only issue with it is watering all those containers. They dry out so easy and who has time to water them every day. So here is a solution.  Use a plastic bottle for an “In Container” water system. So easy, here is how:
Step 1 – Choose your container and also get an empty plastic bottle that will fit in the center of your container.

Step 2 – Leave the cap on, cut the bottom off the bottle and punch 12 tiny holes, (and I mean tiny), all over the bottle.
Step 3 – Fill your container halfway with dirt. In the center of the container place the bottle cap side down keeping the bottom of the bottle even with the top of the container. Now fill in around the bottle with plants and dirt. Make sure you do not get dirt in your bottle. I place a piece of paper over the bottle bottom until I am done.

Step 4 – You now have your container with plants and a bottle in the middle. Fill the bottle with water. It will seep out of the bottle slowly and water your container.  As the plants grow you will not even see the bottle. All you have to do is to fill the bottle every week. How easy is that!!! Happy planting!!
Here is a link to my pintrest board with lots of container gardening ideas

Enjoy, Faith