Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Kidz Korner - My Scientific Valentine

We are so excited to share with you our new series of blog posts. Because we believe that it is so important to give kids opportunities to use their imagination and creativity, we are calling this Kidz Korner! It's also a great way to spend time with your children, grandchildren, neighborhood children and even your school students teaching them the value of creating something with their own hands.

To kick off our new series, and with Valentine's Day a few days away, here's an easy and scientific printable Valentine. Click on the image below for the complete tutorial, downloadable link and even a short You Tube video to see it in action.

Ana is the creator of Babble Dabble Do and has a site filled with lots of Science, Art, Engineering and Design for kids. Click on the photo below and start planning some great hands on with the kids.

Thanks for stopping by today!