Monday, February 14, 2011

Organizing - Great Organizational Blogs

Today I'd like to share a list of some great organizational blogs. All have some pretty amazing tips and ideas.

1. Your Life Organized... Speaker, author, organizing expert Monica Ricci shares thoughts on how to declutter, de-stress, organize and simplify your life at home and at work.

2. Get Organized... A blog about all things organized.

3. Creative Organizing... Organizing & creativity go hand-in-hand. Organizing creates space for creativity & creativity makes organizing more fun! 

4. Organize the Whole Shebang... Organized Women...this is for you! Hey Girlfriend! I'm glad you found my fabulous little organizing + lifestyle blog~ I believe the key to being organized is integrating who I am... a bit function, a bit fabulous, with a WHOLE LOT OF SASS thrown in for good measure.

5. The Lazy Organizer... My attempts to organize life, the universe and everything in it.

Hope you enjoy these and become inspired by some of the ideas.
Thanks for joining us!
Deena Davis