Thursday, January 16, 2014

Witches Stitches Fabric Carrots

Last week I made fabric chocolate bunnies, well this week we have to feed them so here is a super simple way to make fabric carrot. This takes no time at all.

Step 1 – Figure out what size carrot you want for your decorating or project. Then draw a V with a rounded bottom the length you want your carrots. I draw them on freezer paper , then iron the paper, shiny side down, onto my fabric. Sew around the paper pattern. Now stuff it, leave the top open

Step 2 – Tea dye your carrot and when dry paint it orange with watered down craft paint. When dry sand it. To make the tops use thin strips of felt. I dye my felt so it has an aged look. Do not sand your felt, or you will just end up with fuzzy felt.

Step 3 – Take a running stitch around the top of the carrot, place some of the felt strips into the carrot opening. Now pull your thread so the carrot closes around the felt.

That is it. You have carrots for whatever spring decorating or project you want. As always if you have any questions, please give me a shout.


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