The first thing I did was get a coffee sleeve from Starbuck's to have a template. Well actually my son did as I don't drink coffee. Making these cozies was actually his idea, so if they don't sell I told him he was going to get them for Christmas! Between him and my daughter (who doesn't drink coffee either) I should be able to get rid of them. OK...back to the instructions :)

When you make the template be sure to measure an additional 1/4 inch to
it for the seam line. After you make a template from the sleeve, you cut
out the fabric for the front and back of the cozy using the template. I
have embroidered Alaska on mine since I am using this for my summer
customers that are mostly tourists, but you can use any fabric you like.
These work great to clean out your "stash". :)

Next you need to put the padding in the inside. Now I use fusible fleece
because I just like it better. You can use any kind of batting or
interfacing you like.

After you finish the batting you need to sew the two parts together leaving an opening for turning the cozy inside out.

After you have sewn the two sides together and clipped the curves you
turn the cozy inside out. Now I cut the fabric next to the seam line a
little bit so it isn't so bulky. Once you have turned the cozy inside
out you need to top stitch it.

You can close the cozy several different ways. Some sew it closed or use
Velcro, but I use buttons. I have a stash of vintage buttons I use to
add a little something to them.

You can use a large button attached to the cozy, which if you do be sure
to add the elastic to the cozy before you sew the two sides together.

Or you can attach two buttons to the sides to close the cozy. I just sew the button to close it and do not put button holes in. have a coffee cozy, but the most important part still needs to be done. CLEAN UP YOUR MESS!!

So now you have a coffee cozy. Hope you liked my tutorial and hope I
didn't bore you too bad. :) They actually are really easy once you have
done it. They are kind of fun to make. I think they will make really
nice small gifts like for teachers, stocking
know....those kind of gifts.
Thanks for sharing your tutorial with us, Colleen.
Bette & Deena